onsdag 26 januari 2011

My character, risk-taking activities

I´m not in to really risktaking activities right now, but I have nothing against such things. I train the sport wushu, but it´s not really risk-taking. When I was younger I allways where out and doing things as climbing in trees, running and well... alot of things. Nowadays with more school and such things Im still alot more, which is bad I think, becouse moving is really my thing. If I could choose I would not be sitting in a school-bench or at home studying, but at the same time I want the knowledge, especially about the natural-science. But climbing rocks, running trough difficult area terrain, or going fast in a roller-coaster or go-cart is things I like. Im not afraid of hurting myself so much, and really want a jobb with alot field work. Wich is quite a good combination with natural science. I think my psycoligical me is more calm, I dont know why, when I was little I was more loudly. Now I feel more of an independant person and  sometimes think its nice to be on my own. But I love beeing with people I like too. But sometimes I wish I could act more, but I have started to react and do such things at things I find wrong. The physical part Im not afraid of so I could easely do something if I for example saw one being assaulted or similar. I would like to try different "dangerous" things such as jumping from an air-plane with a parachute, or actually fly an air-plane. But I have allways wanted to go out in space, wich I have kinda made a promise for myself of, to sometime in my life go up to space, in what way I dont know, but Im interrested in astrophysics, so an astronom would'nt be wrong. But also as I said piloting an air-plane is really what I wish. And I think thats an easier issue, just taking some flying-lessons and if im rich, buing a plane. I think Im the kind of person who wants big views, not being in a small place when the universe is endless and there is endless numbers of things you can do.

fredag 19 november 2010

Worst purchase made...

This is a bit of a different purchase, it was actually on a restaurant, we where in Italy in Rome. And at the evening we went out looking for a nice place to eat. And we found one that looked nice. I ordered an easy pizza or something and my parents something similar. But then they started to walk in with different servings and said things like " especially for you" and " you must taste", but we didn´t really whant it and I became a bit angry at my parents becouse they didnt decline the food, and at the end the bill came, and it was chocking, it was something like 120 or 190 euros, for 3 persons. And we where a bit stunned. But it was not a really bad purchase in that way, more of an accident that you dont whant being repeated.

söndag 24 oktober 2010


I don't usually look on adds, but still you can't really escape from them. But a kind of advertisements is movie trailers which can be really enjoyable. One thing about them is that for example action movies allways have "the same" music in their trailers, and the are always builded in the same way, finishing off with something that makes you whant to see the movie.
Other than that i don't really have any commercial that I really appreciate, I find most commercials quite disturbing and pointless, some of them you really can laugh at, some becouse theyre fun but most of them becouse theyre quite silly. The fact that commercials mostly are showing at moments when you don't whant them makes you have a negative look on them from the start, I mean, it's allways when you whant to whatch something else that they pop upp.

onsdag 20 oktober 2010

reflect and share about product replacements

1. I don't necessarily notice product replacements becouse I take more notice on the movies story and if it's a well shaped film, and the actors and such things. But I think especially cars and electronic devices are common. But also if for example the movie takes place in paris and you se the Eifeltower with the restaurants around and such things, it's a kind of product replacements, but it's not replaced- it's there from the beggining. But one brand I've seen is the swedish "svenskt tenn" which is a fabriquebrand, and it's in the movie "Mamma Mia", and maybe that's becouse the title Is swedish.

2. the pros with product replacements is that the movie shows to be more realistic, with real brands. The cons I think is that it's in most cases only the richer and more famous companies that can have their stuffs involved. And that only makes them even more richer, I think. And for example if it's a not so healthy food company and people wants to buy their food even more.

3. There is many advertisements on the computer and on sites, maybe in games they can have product replacements the same way as movies got them, but not as I have noticed yet, but I don't play that many games so.