onsdag 26 januari 2011

My character, risk-taking activities

I´m not in to really risktaking activities right now, but I have nothing against such things. I train the sport wushu, but it´s not really risk-taking. When I was younger I allways where out and doing things as climbing in trees, running and well... alot of things. Nowadays with more school and such things Im still alot more, which is bad I think, becouse moving is really my thing. If I could choose I would not be sitting in a school-bench or at home studying, but at the same time I want the knowledge, especially about the natural-science. But climbing rocks, running trough difficult area terrain, or going fast in a roller-coaster or go-cart is things I like. Im not afraid of hurting myself so much, and really want a jobb with alot field work. Wich is quite a good combination with natural science. I think my psycoligical me is more calm, I dont know why, when I was little I was more loudly. Now I feel more of an independant person and  sometimes think its nice to be on my own. But I love beeing with people I like too. But sometimes I wish I could act more, but I have started to react and do such things at things I find wrong. The physical part Im not afraid of so I could easely do something if I for example saw one being assaulted or similar. I would like to try different "dangerous" things such as jumping from an air-plane with a parachute, or actually fly an air-plane. But I have allways wanted to go out in space, wich I have kinda made a promise for myself of, to sometime in my life go up to space, in what way I dont know, but Im interrested in astrophysics, so an astronom would'nt be wrong. But also as I said piloting an air-plane is really what I wish. And I think thats an easier issue, just taking some flying-lessons and if im rich, buing a plane. I think Im the kind of person who wants big views, not being in a small place when the universe is endless and there is endless numbers of things you can do.